Friday, October 19, 2012

The Power of Encouragement

We would not have made it this far without the support of others. In a way I feel God used Elina to help us learn how to depend on the community around us. We are not the type of people who are usually comfortable with getting to know people; but it has been worth it.

 Here are just some of the ways the words of others have helped us lately:

1. Elina's Development
When the nurses and therapists tell us we are doing a good job...we breathe a sigh of relief. We are so new with all this parenting stuff, a little reassurance goes a long way.

2. The Blog
I can't tell you how many times I have thought that maybe I should stop blogging. It feels like every time I consider it, someone tells me how much it means to them. Their words keep me going with not only the blog but with writing in general.

3. Challenges
Sometimes the idea of two newlywed 21-year-olds having a baby with special needs just blows my mind. It feels that we have aged about ten years in 15 months. Every once in a while someone will remind us how much we are growing, and it feels worth it. We all want to feel like our struggle is legitimate. When others recognize how much we have gone through this year, we feel strengthened.

These are just some of the things people have said to us that have helped us along lately. It just goes to show the power of our words to one another. If you have a word of encouragement for someone else, don't hold it in. They might be needing to hear what you have to say.

And to you, thank you. Every comment and email I have gotten feels like validation. It makes me feel like what I am doing matters. It helps me to push through the doubt.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely can't stop blogging...she is too cute to keep to yourself!


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