Wednesday, October 24, 2012

She's Radio Flyin' Now

Around Elina's first birthday I started thinking about finding a push walker. My awesome sister happened to get Elina one for her birthday. We started trying this walker out with Elina. She loved the buttons and music in the front, but struggled to get the hang of pushing it. Every time she would go to push it, the wheels would fly forward and she would fall on her face.

After some research I learned that one reason this walker sped out from under her was because it was too light. When Elina would go forward, she would lack the ab power to pull it back, and kersplat she went.Thus begun my long search for a walker that would work for her. It had to be heavy and sturdy, for extra balance support.

My scouring of the internet led us to a push walker made by Radio Flyer.

We got it in the mail today and Mikey set it up in a flash. There was even a piece that gave extra resistance to the wheels.
Our Therapist suggested adding a weight for traction, hence the pumpkin

She didn't take off right away. In fact, we realized it is going to be something that she is going to have to practice. She liked it but was was as interested in chewing the handle as pushing it. We were happy that it didn't fly out from under her. When it went too far forward she was able to pull it back or step to catch up.

 I took a video so that I could keep track of her progress with using it.

It is a work in progress, one that we are so excited about. I will update as she keeps working at it.

Watch out, this girl is going to be up and away before we know it.

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